Gemstone Cage

This is what you've been waiting for, my fellow gemstone enthusiasts! We've scoured the interwebs to bring you the best of the best when it comes to gemstone cages. You know you need one (or ten) of these beauties to show off your favorite gemstones. Don't worry, we won't judge you for hoarding them all.

Wire Wrapped Gemstone Cage Pendant

Wire Wrapped Gemstone Cage Pendant

Check out this wire wrapped beauty that holds your favorite gemstones. We know, we know, it's a little intimidating if you're new to wire wrapping. But don't worry, practice makes perfect! This pendant will definitely turn heads.

Gemstone Cage from eBay

Gemstone Cage from eBay

If you're on a budget (let's be real, who isn't), eBay has got your back. You can find a ton of affordable gemstone cages that still look amazing. This particular cage is simple yet charming, perfect for any gemstone.

Whimsical Multicolore Gemstone Pendant Cage from eBay

Whimsical Multicolore Gemstone Pendant Cage from eBay

Okay, how cute is this? We can't get enough of the colorful beading. It definitely gives off a whimsical vibe (hence the name). This cage would look perfect with a bold gemstone, like amethyst or garnet.

Spiral Gemstone Holder (Spiral Cage)

Spiral Gemstone Holder (Spiral Cage)

This spiral cage is a little different from the others on this list. It's more of a holder than a cage, but still serves the same purpose. The spiral design adds a unique touch and is perfect for those who want something a little less traditional.

Gemstone Cage from Metaphysical Creations

Gemstone Cage from Metaphysical Creations

Metaphysical Creations has a ton of amazing gemstone cages to choose from, but this one caught our eye. The intricate design is stunning and would look great with any gemstone you choose. It's definitely a statement piece!

Gemstone Cage Pendant from Pickwick's Mercantile

Gemstone Cage Pendant from Pickwick's Mercantile

This gemstone cage from Pickwick's Mercantile is definitely unique. The way the wire wraps around the gemstone creates a cool pattern that will make your gemstone stand out even more. Plus, it's different from the usual round and teardrop shapes of other cages.

Tumblestone Cage Holds Gemstone Crystals

Tumblestone Cage Holds Gemstone Crystals

Okay, how cool are these tumblestone cages? They're perfect for small gemstones or crystals that you want to keep close by. The best part is you can choose from different sizes to fit your specific gemstone.

Now that you've seen some of the best gemstone cages out there, it's time for some important info.


Gemstones have been valued for their beauty and healing properties for centuries. Whether you're a collector or just love wearing them, gemstones are a must-have. But how do you show them off to their fullest potential? Enter the gemstone cage.


Gemstone cages are wire cages that hold your favorite gemstones. They come in a variety of shapes and sizes to fit any gemstone. Some are simple and elegant, while others are complex and intricate. No matter your style, there's a gemstone cage for you.

Not only do gemstone cages look great, they also have some practical benefits. They protect your gemstone from getting lost or damaged, and they allow you to wear them as a pendant or add them to a keychain. Plus, they make great gifts for fellow gemstone lovers.


Q: Can I make my own gemstone cage?

A: Absolutely! There are tons of tutorials online that show you how to make your own wire-wrapped gemstone cage. It may take a little practice, but once you get the hang of it, you can create your own unique designs.

Q: What gemstones work best in a gemstone cage?

A: Any gemstone can work in a gemstone cage, but it's best to choose ones that are at least 1/2 inch or larger. Small stones or crystals can work in tumblestone cages. It's also important to consider the hardness of the gemstone, as some stones like opal or turquoise may not hold up well in a wire cage.

Q: How do I clean my gemstone cage?

A: You can clean your gemstone cage by wiping it down with a soft cloth. If it needs a more thorough cleaning, you can use a mild dish soap and warm water. Just be sure to dry it off completely before wearing it again.

Well, there you have it, gemstone lovers. Now go out and show off your favorite gemstones in style with a gemstone cage!
