Different Gemstone Cuts

What's up, y'all! Are you ready to learn about gemstones and their different cuts and shapes? Get ready to take a journey with me through the world of gems!

Gem Cuts and Shapes Guide

First up, we have this amazing guide on gem cuts and shapes from Bulk Gemstones. This guide breaks down all the different types of cuts and shapes so you can be an expert in no time!

Guide: Gem Cuts and Shapes by Bulk Gemstones

Gemstone Cuts and Shapes Chart

Next up, we have this awesome gemstone cuts and shapes chart from Amulette Jewelry. This chart is perfect for those who love visuals and want to see all the different types of cuts and shapes at a glance.

Gemstone Cuts And Shapes Chart by Amulette Jewelry

Different Types of Gem Cuts & Styles Guide

Looking for a more in-depth guide on different types of gemstone cuts and styles? Check out this awesome guide from Bulk Gemstones. This guide covers everything from cushion cuts to step cuts.

Guide: Different Types of Gem Cuts & Styles by Bulk Gemstones

Gemstone Shapes, Cuts, and Sizes Guide

Do you want to learn everything there is to know about gemstone shapes, cuts, and sizes? Look no further than this full guide from Gem Rock Auctions. This guide covers all the basics and even includes a handy chart!

Gemstone Shapes, Cuts, and Sizes Guide from Gem Rock Auctions

How To Identify Different Cuts of Gemstones

Finally, we have this guide on how to identify different cuts of gemstones from Dusty Old Thing. This guide is perfect for those who already have some knowledge about gemstones and want to take their expertise to the next level.

How To Identify Different Cuts of Gemstones guide from Dusty Old Thing


Gemstones are beautiful and fascinating stones that have captured the attention of humans for centuries. They come in a variety of colors, shapes, and sizes, and each one has its own unique characteristics. But, did you know that the way a gemstone is cut can also affect its appearance and value?

There are many different types of cuts that can be used on gemstones, and each one produces a different look. Some cuts may be more desirable than others depending on the type of gemstone and the intended use.


When it comes to choosing a gemstone, it is important to understand the different types of cuts and how they affect the stone's appearance. Some common cuts include round, oval, pear, marquise, emerald, cushion, and princess.

The round cut is the most popular and classic cut, producing a circular stone with brilliant sparkle. The oval cut is similar to the round cut, but elongated in shape. The pear cut is a teardrop shape that is particularly popular for use in jewelry such as earrings and pendants.

The marquise cut is an elongated, pointed shape that is often used to make stones appear larger than they actually are. The emerald cut is a step cut that produces a rectangular shape with trimmed corners, and is particularly popular for use in emeralds and diamonds.

The cushion cut is a relatively new cut that produces a square shape with rounded corners, while the princess cut is a square shape with pointed corners.

When it comes to choosing a cut, it is important to consider how the stone will be used. For example, a round cut may be ideal for an engagement ring, while a cushion cut may be better suited for earrings.


  1. Which gemstone cut is the most expensive?
  2. The most expensive gemstone cut is the emerald cut, particularly when used in emeralds and diamonds. This cut produces a stunning rectangular shape with trimmed corners, but also requires a larger stone, which can drive up the price.

  3. What is the difference between a step cut and a brilliant cut?
  4. A step cut is a type of cut that produces parallel lines across the stone, while a brilliant cut produces a more traditional sparkly appearance with triangular facets. The type of cut used depends on the type of gemstone and the desired appearance.

  5. Can gemstones be cut into any shape?
  6. Yes, gemstones can be cut into almost any shape imaginable, from hearts and stars to animals and flowers. However, some shapes may be more difficult to produce, and may require a more experienced gem cutter.

  7. Which gemstone cut is the easiest to fashion?
  8. The round cut is generally considered the easiest to fashion, as it is a simple shape with few angles and corners. However, each type of cut requires a specific set of skills and techniques to produce a quality stone.

  9. What is the advantage of a cushion cut?
  10. The cushion cut is a relatively new cut that has become increasingly popular in recent years. This cut produces a square shape with rounded corners, which gives it a vintage, romantic look. The cushion cut also tends to produce more brilliance and fire than some other cuts.

And that's it for our journey through the world of gemstone cuts and shapes! I hope you learned something new and fascinating, and have a better understanding of how cuts can affect the appearance and value of gemstones.
