Gemstone Grades Chart

Hey, hey, hey! Look what I found - a whole bunch of shiny, pretty rocks! Yay! Who doesn't love shiny things, am I right? Anyway, let me show you this amazing gemstone chart I stumbled upon.

First up, we have a diamond chart.

Now, diamonds are a girl's best friend or something like that, right? I mean, they sure are sparkly and pretty, but did you know there's more to them than just looks? This chart breaks down the four Cs of diamonds: carat weight, clarity, cut, and color.

Diamond Chart

The coolest part is that it's called "Diamond Beyond 4 C's" - ooh, fancy! So, basically, if you ever need to buy a diamond (or just want to impress your friends with your super knowledge), this chart will come in handy.

Next, we have an identification chart for all kinds of gemstones.

Okay, okay, so maybe diamonds aren't your thing. That's okay! This chart has got you covered with pretty much every type of gemstone you can think of. It's got pictures and everything, so you can easily identify what you're looking at.

Gemstone Identification Chart

The best part is that it's glossy. So, it's like looking at a magazine spread of gemstones. You know you want to frame this and put it on your wall.

Let's not forget about aquamarine.

Aquamarine is a March baby's birthstone, but it's pretty popular regardless of when you were born. This chart breaks down the different grades of aquamarine from the GIA (that's the Gemological Institute of America, in case you didn't know).

Aquamarine Grading Chart

Basically, the fancier the grade, the more expensive the aquamarine. But, hey, if you're going to buy some aquamarine jewelry, might as well go all out, right?

Up next, we have an emerald color chart.

Emeralds are popular, too. And, just like with diamonds and aquamarine, there's more to it than just the color. This chart breaks down the different colors emeralds can come in and what's the most valuable.

Emerald Color Chart

So, next time you're shopping for emerald jewelry, you'll know exactly what to look for. I mean, who wants to spend all that money on something and not know what they're getting?

Let's get into some grading charts now.

Grading gemstones can be tough. There's so much to know and understand. This chart is pretty extensive and has a lot of information. It breaks down gemstones by color, clarity, cut, and carat weight, just like with diamonds.

Gemstone Grading Chart

And, if you're feeling super fancy, this chart has the words in fancy cursive. So, not only will you be a gemstone expert, but you'll look like one, too. Win-win, am I right?

Another gemstone chart - this time with fun colors!

Okay, so this chart is actually super colorful and fun. It breaks down the different gemstone grades by color and has pictures to go along with them. Plus, the font is super easy to read, which is always a plus.

Gemstone Grades Chart

So, if you're looking for something more aesthetically pleasing, this chart is for you. Plus, it's always nice to have more than one option to choose from, right?

Last but not least, we have a chart for tumbled gemstones.

Tumbled gemstones are cool because they're not as polished as regular gemstones. This chart breaks down the different tumbled gemstones and what they're good for. There's also pictures to go along with each of them, which is super helpful.

Tumbled Gemstone Identification Chart

So, if you're interested in tumbled gemstones (or just want to sound smart), this chart will definitely come in handy.


Wow, we've learned a lot about gemstones, huh? I don't know about you, but I'm feeling pretty smart right now. But, just in case you're not up to my level yet, let me give you a quick recap.

There are charts for diamonds, aquamarine, emerald colors, and grading for gemstones in general. Plus, there's a chart for tumbled gemstones, which I had no idea existed until now. They're all super helpful if you're looking to buy some gemstone jewelry or just want to be knowledgeable about pretty rocks (because who doesn't?).


So, where did these charts even come from? Well, they're all from Pinterest, so you know they're legit. But, seriously, it's always nice to have easy access to information like this, and these charts are a great resource. Plus, they're pretty to look at, which always helps.


Q: Is there a chart for every type of gemstone?

A: Nope, these charts cover a lot of ground, but not every single type of gemstone out there. But, they cover the most popular ones, so you're still getting a lot of helpful information.

Q: Do I really need to know all of this stuff about gemstones?

A: Of course not! But, if you're interested in gemstones or looking to buy some jewelry, it's always helpful to be knowledgeable about what you're buying.

Q: Can I frame these charts and put them on my wall?

A: Absolutely! I encourage it, actually.

Well, that's all I've got for you. Go forth and impress your friends with your newfound gemstone knowledge. Good luck!
