Have you ever felt like upgrading your engine blade in Final Fantasy 15 but felt like the task was too daunting? Well, fear not my fellow gamers as I have scoured the internet to bring you the ultimate guide on where to find glass gemstones!
FFXV Glass Gemstone Locations
The first location on our list is Cape Caem. This is a location that you will visit during chapter 6 of the game. Once there, you should keep your eyes peeled for a small cabin. Inside the cabin, you will find the precious glass gemstone.

The second location is in Lestallum. You will need to have completed the main story to be able to access this location. Once in Lestallum, head to the Exineris Industries building. You will find the glass gemstone waiting for you at the top of the building.
But wait, there's more! We have one more location for you to explore. Head over to Altissia, where you will find the glass gemstone at a vendor stall. It's located close to the docks, so make sure to keep an eye out for it.
Glass gemstones are one of the rarest and most valuable materials in Final Fantasy 15. They are used in the crafting of various items, including the engine blade. Upgrading your engine blade with glass gemstones will not only increase its power but also make it visually stunning.
That being said, acquiring glass gemstones can be a real challenge. They are not found in abundance and require a bit of detective work to locate. If you're not sure where to start, fear not, for we have compiled a list of all the locations where you can find glass gemstones.
We are a group of Final Fantasy 15 fanatics who are dedicated to helping fellow gamers navigate the world of Eos. With our extensive knowledge of the game and its mechanics, we strive to make our fellow gamers' lives easier by providing them with useful tips and tricks.
Q: What is the glass gemstone used for?
A: The glass gemstone is a rare and valuable material used in the crafting of various items in Final Fantasy 15, including the engine blade.
Q: Where can I find the glass gemstone?
A: There are three locations in Final Fantasy 15 where you can find the glass gemstone: Cape Caem, Lestallum, and Altissia.
Q: Can I upgrade my engine blade without the glass gemstone?
A: No, upgrading your engine blade requires a glass gemstone. Without it, you will not be able to upgrade your weapon to its fullest potential.
Q: Are there any other rare materials in Final Fantasy 15?
A: Yes, there are several rare materials in FFXV, including the Earth Gemstone, Magnetron, and Sky Gemstone. Each of these materials is used in the crafting of various weapons and items.

The Final Word
The glass gemstone is a valuable material that can greatly enhance your gameplay experience in Final Fantasy 15. With our guide, you can easily locate this rare mineral and upgrade your engine blade to its full potential. No longer will you have to worry about being underpowered when facing difficult enemies. So, head out into the world of Eos and start your search for the glass gemstone today!