Gemstone Clarity Scale

When we talk about gemstones, one of the most important aspects is clarity. It refers to the presence or absence of inclusions or blemishes in the gemstone. A gemstone with higher clarity means that it has fewer or no flaws in it. In this article, we will discuss everything you need to know about gemstone clarity.

GIA Diamond Clarity Scale:

Before exploring the types of gemstone clarity, it's important to go over the widely accepted GIA diamond clarity scale. This scale ranges from Flawless (FL) to Included (I3). The entire scale and their meanings are as follows.

1) FL - Flawless:

A Flawless diamond is a rarity in itself. It means that there are no blemishes or inclusions in the diamond, even under 10x magnification. This clarity grade is also the most valuable.

2) IF - Internally Flawless:

An Internally Flawless diamond means that there are no inclusions inside the diamond but there might be blemishes on the surface.

3) VVS1 & VVS2 - Very Very Slightly Included:

A diamond in this category has microscopic inclusions that are hardly visible even under 10x magnification.

4) VS1 & VS2 - Very Slightly Included:

Diamonds that fall under this category have inclusions that are visible under 10x magnification but are difficult to spot with the naked eye.

5) SI1 & SI2 - Slightly Included:

Diamonds in this category have inclusions that are easily detectable under 10x magnification.

6) I1, I2 & I3 - Included:

These diamonds have visible inclusions even to the naked eye. At this point, the quality and beauty of the diamond are substantially affected and may not be desirable to most customers.

Gemstone Clarity Types:

Gemstones, in general, don't have a universal clarity scale like diamonds. However, clarity is just as important in gemstones as it is with diamonds.

1) Eye Clean:

A gemstone that's eye clean means that it's free from blemishes and inclusions that are visible to the naked eye. This is the highest quality clarity a gemstone can have.

2) Slightly Included:

This clarity level includes inclusions that are visible under 10x magnification but are hard to spot with the naked eye.

3) Moderately Included:

Gemstones in this clarity level have visible inclusions that are easy to see but don't affect the overall beauty of the stone.

4) Heavily Included:

Gemstones in this clarity level have large inclusions that are either on the surface or inside the stone, which greatly affects its beauty and value.

Gemstone Clarity Chart

Gemstone Clarity Chart

The above chart is a great reference point when it comes to gemstone clarity. Always consult with your jeweler for more information or if you have any questions regarding the clarity of your gemstone.

Introduction to Gemstone Clarity:

When it comes to buying gemstones, the clarity can affect both the beauty and value of the stone. The fewer the inclusions a gemstone has, the higher the value and price. In fact, it's not uncommon to find a diamond with higher clarity grade costing twice or three times as much as the same carat weight and color diamond with a lower clarity grade. This is why it's important to consider clarity when buying gemstones.

About Gemstone Clarity:

There are different ways in which inclusions can happen in gemstones. They can occur naturally during the formation process or because of heat, pressure, and other environmental factors. They can also happen because of human interference during cutting and polishing.

Gemstones that are completely free from blemishes and inclusions are incredibly rare and are priced accordingly. Inclusions are not always a bad thing, and in some cases, they can even enhance the beauty and value of the stone. For example, inclusions in emeralds are considered to be a natural part of the stone's character and are just as valuable as an emerald without inclusions.

The placement of inclusions in the gemstone also affects its overall value. If the inclusions are located near the surface, they may be more visible, and this would decrease the value of the gemstone. But, if the inclusions are inside the gemstone, they may be less visible and wouldn't affect the value as much.

Gemstone Clarity FAQ:

1) How do I know if a gemstone is eye clean?

Make sure to inspect the gemstone under good lighting conditions. Usually, eye-clean gemstones are those that don't have any visible inclusions or blemishes to the naked eye. Consult with a professional jeweler if you're unsure.

2) Are heavily included gemstones worthless?

No. Even heavily included gemstones can have beauty and value if their inclusions don't affect their overall appearance too much. Some gemstones, such as emerald, are even desirable with inclusions.

3) Can inclusions be removed from gemstones?

It's not possible to remove inclusions and blemishes from gemstones. However, some minor inclusions on the surface of the gemstone can be polished to make them less visible.

4) Does gemstone clarity affect its durability?

No, clarity has no effect on the durability of the gemstone. It just affects the beauty and value of the stone.


Gemstone clarity is an essential factor to consider when buying gemstones. It affects the overall beauty and value of the stone. The fewer inclusions a gemstone has, the higher the price and value. Always consult with a professional jeweler if you have more questions regarding the clarity of your gemstone.
