American Gemstones

South America is a treasure trove of gemstones. From Brazil's emeralds to Colombia's finest diamonds, the continent produces an abundance of precious and semi-precious stones. Here’s a list of some of the most sought after gemstones found in the continent:


Brazil and Colombia are among the largest producers of emeralds in the world. Colombia's emeralds are highly valued for their superior color and clarity, while Brazil's emeralds come in larger sizes, making them perfect for statement jewelry pieces.


Paraiba Tourmaline

Discovered in the Brazilian state of Paraiba in the late 1980s, Paraiba tourmaline is a rare gemstone prized for its brilliant blue-green color. The stone's unique hue is due to the presence of copper and manganese in the crystal structure.

Paraiba Tourmaline


Brazil is home to some of the most beautiful and highly prized amethysts in the world. The country's amethyst mines produce large, deep purple crystals that are coveted by collectors and designers alike.



Brazil is also a major producer of some of the finest aquamarines in the world. The country's mines yield a range of hues from pale blue to deep greenish-blue.



Rubellite is a red to pink variety of tourmaline that is highly valued for its intense color. One of the most famous sources of rubellite is Brazil, where the country's mines produce some of the largest and most vibrant stones in the world.



Brazil produces some of the largest and most famous topaz crystals in the world. The country's mines yield a wide range of colors, from colorless to yellow, brown, blue, and pink. The Imperial Topaz, a vivid orange-pink stone, is highly sought after by collectors.



Brazil and Venezuela are known for producing some of the finest diamonds in the world. Brazil's diamonds are highly valued for their natural yellow color, while Venezuela's produce colorless stones.


Precious Opals

Precious opals, with their stunning array of colors, are highly prized by collectors and designers alike. Brazil is one of the world's largest producers of precious opals, with the country's mines yielding a range of hues from blues and greens to reds and oranges.

Precious Opals


Peridot is a bright green gemstone that is highly prized for its transparency and beauty. The stone is produced in various locations around the world, including Brazil and Colombia.


About South American Gemstones

South America's rich geological history and diverse landscape have made it a veritable paradise for gemstone lovers. The continent is home to some of the most sought-after stones in the world, including emeralds, aquamarines, topaz, and rubellite.

The mining of gemstones has played a significant role in the economies of many South American countries for centuries. Today, many of these mines are still in operation, providing livelihoods for workers and contributing to local economies.

While the demand for precious gemstones continues to grow, it is important to note the ethical concerns surrounding the mining and sourcing of these stones. Many gemstone mines have been associated with human rights abuses, environmental destruction, and other unethical practices.


What are some of the ethical concerns surrounding gemstone mining in South America?

The mining of precious stones has been linked with a number of ethical concerns, including environmental damage, local land disputes, child labor, and worker exploitation. It is important for consumers to do their research and choose responsibly sourced gemstones.

Are there any precautions I should take when buying South American gemstones?

Yes, there are several precautions you can take when purchasing South American gemstones. Look for stones that have been certified as ethically sourced, and avoid purchasing gemstones that are associated with human rights abuses or environmental damage. You can also look for gemstones that have been sourced from small-scale, responsible mining operations.

Where can I find information on responsible sourcing of South American gemstones?

There are several organizations that provide information on responsible sourcing of gemstones, including the Responsible Jewellery Council and the Alliance for Responsible Mining. You can also look for gemstones that have been certified by organizations such as Fairtrade International.

In conclusion, South America is a continent rich in gemstone resources. While the demand for these stones continues to grow, it is important for consumers to be aware of the ethical concerns surrounding their mining and sourcing. By choosing responsibly sourced gemstones, we can support small-scale mining operations and promote greater transparency and sustainability in the industry.
